Wednesday, September 10, 2008

iguazu, iguassu, iguaçu...

We arrived to the Argentinian side of Iguazu Falls on Sunday afternoon with just enough time to wander around the miniscule town of Puerto Iguazu...its a little rough around the edges, but very rustic village charm. Thankfully we were able to find a good restuarant, which was so classy they even put the stella artois on ice. After Conor finished his bife de chorizo..which is like filet mignon, but 3 times the size of it, we could barely walk home. There began some of our firsts on the trip.

1. Our hostal was showing the Packers-Vikings game in Spanish...conor was IN LOVE
2. Our shower....ehh scratch that....the hose, that hung inside the bathroom, is where we showered

The next morning we began our long day at the Parque:

3. The JUNGLE! We saw wild monkeys...lots of them, the most amazing butterflies, in every color and design, strange furry racoon, anteater type animals, colorful birds, and orchids. We hiked into the jungle about 4 km´s to a hidden little waterfall

4. In the afternoon it was time to view all of the massive falls...I can´t upload pics at the moment but its worth googling ´Garganta el Diablo´in Iguazu, it was pretty amazing

The next day we did day two at the park;

5. We took a boat into the falls.....they dont just spray, they SOAK. I MEAN really soak.

So after our morning at the falls again we took a bus over the brazilian border, where we encountered some more first.

6. Brazilian bus drivers are authorized to check passports....i.e you could show them your gum wrapper and get in. So much for our 100$ visas.

7. You would think that the other side of iguazu falls would speak spanish too...well they don´t. They speak portugese, and NO english.

8. Nobody in Foz do Iguaçu knows where ´Charm Iguassu Suites´is located. So after our first trek with backpacks in 90 degree sun we were able to locate it before passing out.

9. Our first Brazilian Churruscuria! Fantabulous. Conor had chicken hearts, Rump, Hump, Sirloin, and Filet Mignon. Thankfully he decided to skip the Turkey Testicles wrapped in Bacon before I hauled him out of there.

10. TOUCANS! they´re real and we saw a ton at the Parque de Aves

11. Conor got attacked by a Blue Parrot. I mean really attacked. He flew onto his backpack, ripped the top off a nalgene bottle and the back´s elastics with his death beak. Conor lost some manpoints there, you should have seen the look of terror on his face as he ran away.

12. Needless to say, he was NOT up for putting the boa constrictor around his neck, but dont worry, I did! And, it was amazing. Conor looked like he was going to throw up.

13. But dont worry Wolverine didn´t back down...he went back to the parrot cage and gave the bird a peice of his mind...then the park attendants came, and then we had to leave.

So now it´s off to Sao Paulo this evening....we´re hedging our bets with safety and staying in an actual hotel...which I am SO excited for. Real shower, real sheets, no strange noises...let´s hope!


Anonymous said...

now that i have internet, i can check your blog everyday. nice job linds!!! conor, your "man" card has been taken away. if you were really a wolverine, you would have grab that parrot and cooked it up in the jungle. If you put the boa on your neck, you would have definitely gotten the card back. Linds, you are definitely braver than us Horrigans. Have a safe trip in Brazil.

murphy said...

Hi Linds,
Cut Wolverine some slack.If I had a blue parrot attacking my backpack and water bottle I'd run like hell too. Sounds like you're have a ball. Keep it up and be safe.Love you both.
Dad and mom

Andrew Warner said...

Fantastic updates...keep it up guys.

Conor, I'd consider changing that Wolverine nickname at least for Saturday given that the Irish are playing Michigan. Wouldn't want any confusion...

Can't wait for the next batch of pics.


Christine said...

Hey, guys--

Dad and I had our first formal date at the Blue Parrot Restaurant in Cambridge, Mass, so Conor's encounter must have been fated. I think that he more than made up for the man issue by eating a chicken heart.



P.S. Since all Horrigans are afraid of snakes, Lindsay definitely has one up on all of us!