Thursday, August 14, 2008


So we are in Atlanta in hour 7 of our 9 hour layover...painful. and it has also just occurred to me that I've negated my effort to look un-American, which involved growing a beard over the past week, by bringing only one ballcap, a cap that has an american flag on it. the only thing that was more painful than that realization was the realization that, despite all the hype about Atlanta, there wasn't much to see. Sorry Warner. That's all for now because I've developed carpal tunnel trying to type on this metal rent-an-internet machine. - Conor


Christine said...

I knew it! There are going to be more baseball hats in our future....

Care said...

Lindsay, Conor and Andrew...we miss you already, but isnt that what your crazy families are for??????? stay safe, love you, Care