Saturday, September 13, 2008

Images from the Iguazu...

Given that I wasn´t allowed to defend myself when Lindsay last wrote a blog, I´ve attached a photo that I think provides all the defense I need... you can see, this miniature teradactyl showed me no mercy. I now know the feeling mice must get when they are walking around, minding their own business, when all of sudden a small shadow they spot behind them grows increasingly bigger until it´s so big that by the time they´ve realized they are in trouble, it´s too late. Unlike the mouse, however, I had people around that could have helped me out of the situation. However, rather than call for help or try to poke the parrot off of my back, Lindsay and her new friends from the Semester at Sea program gathered around me to take pictures and laugh while I tried to wiggle free before the bird ripped off my ears and gouged out my eyes and fed them to me.

The picture above is of one of the 20+ monkeys we saw hop-skipping throughout the jungle canopy. As you can see, this guy waved frantically at us in order to get our attention. Terrific guy who wanted to let us know how upset he was with how Palin has treated his friends in the Alaskan wilderness and he said he was on his way to give her a piece of his mind. I tried to warn him against it, saying that she would probably use the meeting as a means to augment her foreign policy resume, but he was dead set on going anyway.

The above picture was taken late in the afternoon by the falls. The guidebook said that if we went near sunset, we´d have a chance to see some rainbows and it turns out we did. As this picture shows us clearly, I found my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...I´m so good.

This last picture does a great job of capturing Lindsay bonding with yet another animal. We have many pictures that show Lindsay having what looks like a conversation with an animal. As you might have guessed, the toucan just made Lindsay laugh after he made a funny joke about the toucan on the cover of the Froot Loops boxes (a hint: they don´t have much respect for him after he sold out for all that money).

Stay tuned for another post with more pictures in just a little bit....


Christine said...

Hi, guys--

Conor definitely gets his man card back. That is one big parrot. Ditto for the monkey. Love the pics, love the colors....

Love you,


Unknown said...

great pictures, keep posting them up.