Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Patagonia Pics2

This isn't Patagonia, it's actually in Valpariso at Pablo Neruda's house. I think I'm just missing the sun and heat!
We were able to see grey foxes, that come right up to you, like little my-kittys
Conor, glacier crushing
One last beautiful view of the Torres del Paine and Lake Pehoe


Christine said...

Conman and Lindsay, Near the end of winter for you with the Straits of Magellan nearby and a summer thunderstorm raging outside of 550 Maple Street. From your Patagonia Pics 2, it appears that Glacier National Park has been dwarfed. By the way, the beard is filling in and should be beyond the itchy stage. I look forward to more sights and insights of Santiago as it was one of the concentrations for my masters in Latin American geography(200 years ago). Keep your momentum and Godspeed. Love, Dadman

Unknown said...

Lindsay, would you mind posting your thoughts on Conor's beard?

Liz said...

Please post the picture of Lindsay being Rose-like on the boat! While you're at it, is there a picture of Conor acting like the bearded 'King of the World'??

Christine said...

Hi, guys--

Breathtaking pictures! What an amazing trip from the high of the Andes to the tip of the continent--one for the ages. We're jealous--and miss you, of course!



Anonymous said...

I just caught the Conor's beard thing too. Grizzly Adams...I mean Conor, it looks awesome. Please tell me you are going to grow it out until the end of the trip or until Lindsay vomits.

Pics are awesome. Keep it real and don't for get to limpia su cuerpo desde tiempo a tiempo (wash your body from time to time).


P.S. Dad, look at you getting involved in blogging!