Saturday, September 20, 2008

Viva Europa!

We made it....painful, but we're here. It was not without a fabulous few days in Buenos Aires. We stayed in the Palermo section of the city and with only 2 days to see everything we really got down to business. On Wednesday we toured half of the city on foot. Seeing the center city, Puerto Madero along the waterfront, and then lunch in the really funky San Telmo where we watched tango dancers in the middle of the square. After lunch we headed towards La Boca, where all the italian immigrants settled. It's full of colorful tenements, dancing and food...pretty touristy but a fun stop all the same. That evening we had dinner at La Cabrera Norte at the suggestion of T. doar and S. was AMAzing. More meat, more fun.

Thursday we were up and at it again, and saw all of the beautiful european like recoleta section as well as our own neighborhood of Palermo. It was such a great city, very funky, with its own charm.

Now after a 12 hour flight we arrived in Madrid this am. We're pretty fuzzy since we didnt sleep, the TVs and the lights were broken on the flight...and they didnt serve any alcholic was a longgg flight. Now we're working off the jet lag in the hot sun here in Madrid and looking forward to meeting Conor's cousin Tyler for dinner! And the next part of the trip begins!


Care said...

Linds and Conor...thanks for the great comments about Rio and Buenos Aires...we will be headed there in 3 weeks, and always looking for recommendations. So glad you enjoyed your SA portion of the trip, and on to Europe!!!! I am printing out your notes so Nani can read about your adventures too...she sends lots of love, and just loves the fact that you are world traveling...a family tradition!!! as always, we love and miss you both, Care

Megan said...

This blog is great! I'm so glad you guys are having a good time :)