Monday, October 6, 2008

french keyboqrds suck§

adios espana, benvenue france! and benvenue strqnge keyboards that make blog posts pqinfully difficult. Ill try my best as i sit key and peck away with two fingers at the keyboard like i got lessons from the ted murphy school of typing. ZING!

So on friday we traveled along the coast to avignon, it was a beautiful train ride along the water as we trekked up to avignon which is about é hours north of the ocean. When we arrived wr realised our accomodations were actually across the river (ie across the birdge of avignon for all the students of madamiesolle kearns) in a little village called villaneuve du avignon. instqntly conor and i were in love, yes with each other, but also with our new town. it was everything you'd imagine a quaint little french village in provance would be: frenchy type people carrying bagguettes, cigarettes that somehow seem cooler and better than other cigarettes, cute french kids singing french songs, white stone buildings; blue and lavender shutters, crepes, cheese, white wine, lavander and sage blowing in the wind. Anywho, you get the point. It was a great weekend, lots of good eating at small restaurants, barely any tourists, and good sites to see as well, since the villqge was once the fort and protector of the french enpire from the roman empire that was loacated across the rhone river in the center of avignon. at one point the popes residence was actually in avignon.

On Sunday we dreamily boardeed the train for marseille thinking we were destined for another great stop in provance, but, ......errrr, skreccch. No way, Marseille was cool, if you can apreciate its authenticity beaneath the grime and grub on the buildings, streets, and the people. We were relieved we only stayed a night. Even still it was fun to see, and our hotel had CNN global, a godsend. We got caught up on the mess at home, which is getting so serious, i feel awfully guilty typing the words "dreamily", but hopefully The Poor Mans Jet Setters is a good distraction from reality for now. Alas, CNN global gave us the latest SNL palin skit....we are really missing out!!!

So now we arrived in Nice today, the weather is fantastic, not for the beach but still sunny and cheery along the water. We only spent a few minutes down on the boardwalk but I can already tell the people watching is going to be amazing.. a cross between the atlantic city, madison avenue, and.. well, i guess i cant really put it into words. Tommorrow we renting scooters and driving to Cannes and Antibes, a good way to see the water, moutians and sites. Then its off to Cinque Terre and Florence on Friday to meet Conors parents and sister!! We're looking forward to some fun and family.


Unknown said...

T - 46 hours! Can't wait to see you guys!!!


Love, May

TB said...

Dudes, love that area. So awesome. I hope you guys are loving it. Not that I know anything about anything, but there is a sweet town about 7 km away (I google map'd that) called villefranche-sur-mar. It a cool little town stuck in the side of a mountain the sea. And don't worry about the happenings here, in no way is anything going wrong. It's all the liberal media's doing because their in the tank for the US Treasury. I'm glad you guys are having a awesome time. Be safe.

Tim Brown, Esq.