Wednesday, October 15, 2008

scenes from tuscany

Welcome to Tuscany!

So plans to meet the Horrigans on Friday night at the Florence train station went smoothly, minus the part where Conor and I got off at the wrong Florence station, realized we were in the middle of nowhere, attempted to jump back on a moving train, and then realized we could easily just get on the next train that came through. After a late night catching up on family news, travel stories, politics, and the economy, we started early on Saturday with a car rental and driving south of Florence into the heart of Tuscany. We first stopped in a small town called Grieve (i've probably spelled it wrong) and had a great lunch followed by wine tasting at the chianti museum! Then we wandered along the windy roads (imagine my car sickness) and walked along vineyard roads. Here are a few pictures from the day.

Conor and Meg searching for the next vineyard...ooops, was someone's private house, we turned around immediately.

Conor and I at the Verazzano in THE Verazano who landed in the New World Manhattan, and gave us the dreadful Verazano bridge....somewhere at sea he lost a "z."

Enjoying a late night beverage (Moretti) in front of the Duomo...thank goodness for the lack of public drinking laws in most of Europe.

A view of the Ponte Vechio from the Uffuzi above. While museums are not usually our forte, it would be a shame not to make a few stops while in Florence. And, surprisingly, Conor's "musem legs" didn't kick for 45 whole mintues!

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