Harder Kulm is the mountain behind me in the back picture, which took us 5 hours to walk up and down today. Here are some more views from our hike below...

Now here are 10 comparisons, lets see who wins -
1) Which one makes me weaker in the knees? Well, my knees are asleep right now from the hike and it is tough to get weak knees from someone who you dont see in person, so Harder wins this one.
2) Easier to reach? Took 4 trains and 7 hours to reach Harder Kulm. I can only imagine it takes a lot longer than that to get to Heidi, and once you do, you gotta deal with the big boy, Seal. Harder wins again.
3) Which one has nicer peaks? Well I saw Harder's peaks today and they were maginificient. I dont believe I will ever see Heidi`s plus Harder's will probably age better, so Harder wins and goes up 3-0.
4) Which has provided more wood to humankind? I believe that for both , we are talking in the high millions, so it is a toss up. 3-0 Harder still.
5) Which one would be more fun to mount? No question. 3-1, Harder still leads though.
6) Which one makes you want to take a cold shower more (good for the environment)? Well, I can imagine you get pretty hot hiking Harder in the summer, but it was cold today and we had to thaw out, so we ended up taking hot showers. Harder gives one away but is still up 3-2.
7) Better accent? Heidi`s is very sexy, but if she isnt talking, you cant experience it. Harder had accents ranging from colors to views that you could experience as long as the sun was out. I just realized that this was a really stupid comparison and am throwing it out, so Harder is still up 3-2.
8) Which is more attractive in autumn colors? Though the leaves were beautiful, I am actually not attracted to something that is not at least human, so Heidi wins and we are tied!!!
9) Better curves? Well, Harder's are hard, jagged, and full rocks, so Heidi wins this one and goes up 4-3
10) Which one would leave you more speechless? The views of the Jungfrau mountain range were absolutely amazing today, but I was still able to talk at the end of it. And I can only imagine how much of a bumbling idiot I would sound like if I met Heidi, so she wins this one 5-3 and takes the prize!
Well, there you have it from the perspective of a 15-year old inside a 26-year old's body. I hope everyone enjoyed those, which were just way to easy to think up. Does anybody have any other comparisons they can think of that I might be able to weigh in on?
that was the best post ever. i want ones like that more often. heidi would be the winner for every guy. i loved it.
My Heidi Klum poster from my freshman dorm room is throwing the challenge flag on the final score...
To further mine (and Mikey's) point, here's a Guitar Hero ad which has been getting some airtime recently.
Heidi Klum Guitar Hero Ad (to quote Con Man...PG-13)
While I'm not doubting the serenity of the mountain, it cannot play air guitar in a bra and panties.
I will now go back to being 27 again.
Conor--You have a gift for commentary--and comparisons. I still think that you should consider a career as a sportscaster.
Love you.
A.W. im hoping that it is Warner. I love the clip...i just put it as my homepage so every time i open the internet i can see heidi dancing around.
A.W. is Andrew Warner...no clue how to change my google settings. Glad you enjoyed the video. Let's hope it keeps Con Man warm on those cold Bavarian nights.
Yet another bonus point for Heidi.
Great post! Made my morning.
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