Friday, November 28, 2008

Trip Wrap-up: The Trip by the Numbers

Well, Lindsay and I are back in the states finally and I thought it would be fun to analyze what we accomplished during this trip. So, here is a look at our trip by the numbers (mostly ballparked, but we did our best):

Trip length - 104 days
Number of cities/towns we stopped in - 60
Number of countries visited - 15
Number of countries visited, according to the Palin Rule including stopovers - 16, our train went through Bratislava)
Number of countries visited, according to the Palin Rule including countries you can see - 17, I think we could see Hungary from our train at one point
Number of different beds slept in - 54...that means we had 54 opportunities to bring bed bugs home
Number of different carriers we flew on - 12
Number of takeoffs and, thankfully, landings - 22
Number of days we rode on long-distance trains - 18
Number of different languages we spoke at one point - 9 (english, spanish, french, portuguese, italian, greek, czech, dutch, and german)
Number of days we took hikes - 14
Number of different forms of transportation taken - 13 (plane, train, car, bus, smartcar, scooter, chairlift, 2-person motorcycle taxi, 4-wheeler, tram, ferry, subway, bicycle)
Number of incidents involving a bird of some sort - 3 (one parrot attack, one given to a tailgater in France, one given to a tailgater in Italy)
Number of times we had to pack/unpack our bags - 47
Number of job occupations Conor considered - 7,160,943
Number of those job occupations Conor is actually going to pursue - 0
Number of Malaria-pill induced nightmares - 22
Number of Advil popped - 30
Number of Pepto-bismal tablets chewed in South America - 16
Number of countries we went for runs in (working off the vino) - 6
Number of ATM withdrawls - too many
Bodies of water we saw the sun rise or set over - 5 (Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Aegean Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea
Beaches blessed with our hard bodies - 12
Total distance traveled - approx. 34,500 miles
Number of times you will ever see me look like this again - 0

It was an amazing trip and thanks for tuning in and making comments, we really enjoyed reading them and keeping in touch with everyone that way. We cant wait to talk to you all about our trip and hopefully we can convince you to take your own someday too!

Lindsay and Conor

1 comment:

Christine said...

One handsome dude, one awesome trip.
Glad to have you home.

