Wednesday, October 15, 2008

scenes from tuscany part 2

And here are some more....

Enjoying another beverage (make like the locals do, right??) on a lovely evening in Florence.

Sadly, on Monday we had to say goodbye to Meg, and the rest of us headed north of the city toward the Apennine mountains. We twisted around, and around, and around the windiest (is that a word) bends, through the steepest (this either?) mountains, until we reached Riva Ridge, a WWII was a long day for me (see below: my penchant for car sickness) but well worth it for the stunning views and small town italy feel away from the heaps of tourists in Florence.

Next it was an early morning climb up teh 473 steps of the Duomo...fantastic, here's a shot of the painted ceiling. The view from the top had gorgeous views of the city that pictures couldn't do justice of.

And, finally we reached Siena...all museum'd out, but we still made time for Siena's Cathedral. Which, in my limited opinion, was actually more intersting than Florence's Duomo, thanks to the black and white, Conor termed "beetlejuice" columns and facade. Conor also had time to get back to his days of speaking with stone animals. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

looks awesome! again, you're very lucky.

Care said...

Linds and Conor,
How lucky you are to be meeting up with family and sharing part of this fabulous journey!! Looks like good times were had by all, judging from the photos...Conor you do a great imitation of a gargoyle...we are enjoying these postings from Rio, but home tomorrow. Cant wait to share stories...I think yours are likely to be a lot more exciting!! As always, we love and miss you...Care

Unknown said...

Con-man, You left out your insight on Sebastian.....

Miss you guys so much!
Love, May