Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sevilla and Barcelona

So, we`ve been pretty busy the past few days touring both Sevilla and Barcelona, our last 2 stops in Spain (or any Spanish-speaking country for that matter, and it`s about time because I`ve been fumbling my way through conversations in Spanish since mid-August and am ready for a new language to fumble through). We had a nice time in Sevilla despite our bad luck with a number of things. We spent a lot of time touring rather than relaxing, as the apartment we rented in the el Centro area smelled like sewage everytime you turn on any water anywhere in the apartment. We tried to get the ``best sangria ever`` as recommended by shaun and senior dunn at el tamborillo off the plaza santa cruz, but we mistook it for something else our first night and then it was closed the next 3 times we tried. So, we took to touring the back alleys of Sevilla that were lit up by lamp at night, trying to find tapas bars or really any establishment that would serve us sangria and we found plenty that were ready and willing. Unfortunately, we missed the last bullfight in Sevilla, which occurred the night we got there. We also missed out on the flamenco dancing at a neat locals joint called La Cabonaria because the dancers were on vacation, resting their legs and castinets. But despite all of our misses, we had plenty of fun experiencing the cuisine, finding out-of-the-way places, and walking every square foot of cobblestone in city (at my request). Lindsay was even allowed to do a little shopping while I read about the carnage in the markets on a bench nearby, her activity far more cathartic than mine. Anyway, despite our bad luck, Sevilla was everything it was cracked up to be and worth every minute.

Barcelona has exceeded our expectations as well. Despite going back to hostel living (and fighting to sleep through a conversation the first night between two smitten french high school students that we could hear through the paper thin walls next door), we were able to muster enough energy to really take on the city yesterday. We took a tram yesterday morning over the city that provided us some astonishing views of the sea and barcelona; visited the statue of christopher columbus, who they wrongly claim was born in barcelona, according to sean`s let`s go europe book; had lunch in the old part of the city, Born, with a good family friend, julia arnhold, who is studing in barcelona; and finsihed up with a visit to the Picasso Museum where we got to see his work before he founded Cubism. Then the best part....we saw our first movie since leaving the states. We went to see tropic thunder, which made us feel like we were back in America.

Today, we have been active as well. We went up to Park Guell, which overlooks the city and contains a lot of Gaudi art; we went to Sagrada familia which also contains a ton of work started by Gaudi and is still being worked on today; and lastly, we walked down La Rambla and watched all of the tourist gawk at the various people dressed up in weird costumes and paint. We also continued our American tour with a stop at a Chicago Pizza Restaurant. For some reason, we have overdosed on the Americanism in the past 24 hours, but that seems natural as we are about to hit the halfway point of our trip.

Anyway, time to go and see what else we can (and eat some local food for once). Tomorrow, it`s off to Avignon!!!



Sean said...

Not only is he not from Barcelona, or Spain for that matter, but the statue also intends to depict Columbus pointing to the new world, when in fact he is pointing directly at Africa. Hope all is well. Sean

Anonymous said...

barcelona, very nice. Any chance of visiting the Black Madonna at Montserrat?

Gaudi is pretty amazing, huh? Combination of art and architecture is just genius.

Going back to an old post, that picture of Conor with the mustache is plain remarkable. I am going to make that my computer background. Sweet....


Unknown said...

Shaun (not Sean),

I like how you got a couple of obligatory, tourist compliments in there before getting to the really meat of your post.

On a side note....met a kid with your name(s) while playing Bocce the other night. He couldn't handle that I had a brother named Shaun (not Sean). I then went into a big Shaqn explanation, but I'm pretty sure it was lost on him....

Unknown said...

oh wait...kind of missed a major detail. The Bocce Player's name was spelled S-H-A-U-N

Care said...

Linds and Conor(alias Burt)...great notes, great trip, we love you Wolverine...lets get those pictures out of Ted with his cheesy mustache...will you be losing your hair too when you are in your 50's??? Enjoy every moment of this adventure guys!!! Thanks for letting us enjoy it with you!! love and miss you always...Care