Friday, November 7, 2008

pics: Wien & Munchen...die deutche is so fun

I mean honestly....there really are signs that say wiener, fhart, die, brau, frau...just to start. Conor´s having a field day acting like a 10 year old boy with a potty mouth. Not to mention the fun accents...

We spent the morning wandering through the Naschmarkt, which has been the best market we´ve seen all over Europe thus far. Probably becuase it has tons of prepared foods, like millions of stalls with little appetizers...stuff tomatoes, austiran cheese, meats, pickles, mmm delich.

After a trip to the market, we wandered along the Danube river and through a beautiful park...a nice way to recover from our all nighter watching the election....midnight for you is 6am for us....but it was worth it...things seem a little brighter, even over here we can feel it. Conor decided it was time to break out his hat with the american flag on it (he´s been hiding it in his pack since we left.)

Our trip through Bavaria continues to Munich.....where we got in late but still managed to hit our first beer hall: Augustinerkeller, which was HUGE, and the beers were even `huger`, as in one liter each. We also had dinner, which was a pig on a plate....another day when i consider being a vegan, but conor was in heaven...clearly.

Today we also visited Munich´s markets....enjoyed a lovely bratwurst with mustard and headed to the Science and Technology museum after wandering the streets. Care, we are usuing your suggested German....Gutten Tag!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Has Wolverine decided to make a comeback? Perhaps, after all of the spooky vibes from Prague?

LOVE YOU. MamaBear